Book your Table Today with OpenTable
Since their inception in 1998, OpenTable has led the way in restaurant tech to help diners have an easy and enjoyable experience.
With a quick scroll, a diner can use their mobile app anywhere at any time to discover new restaurants, view menus, read reviews and create & manage reservations.
We’re so very honoured to have welcomed Alisa Weiner, VP of Restaurant Marketing at OpenTable, into the Terroir 2018 speaker fold. She joined our panel, ‘Hungry? There’s an App for That’, alongside other inspiring hospitality tech trailblazers from bitemojo and DINR.
Some incredible topics were discussed in this panel. A big takeaway was the instant gratification that these mobile apps provide. In the last year, a majority of OpenTable mobile reservations were made on the same day (42%), some even within 90 minutes of their reservation time (15%)!
Sure, OpenTable provides huge benefits for guests, but what about the restaurants themselves? As you can imagine, having this kind of access to diner insights is advantageous to restaurants that partner with OpenTable.
They provide a full-service tool to their restaurant partners, providing brand integration, resources to maximize your business and full data reporting.
No matter where you are, OpenTable has got you covered. They have launched worldwide in cities across North America, Europe and Asia and will offer the perfect suggestion for whatever you’re craving. Download the app today!